Who We Are
We are bike messengers by trade. We use our skills as messengers to deliver harm reduction supplies all over San Francisco, via bicycle. We deliver Narcan, Fentanyl test kits, and other harm reduction supplies door to door, absolutely free of charge. All of our delivery services are free to the community, but we always accept donations. We are a 501c3 non profit organization, all donations are tax deductible. Visit our website, call, or DM via Instagram to schedule a free delivery. To schedule a free delivery tap the button or click here.

Narcan delivered to your door!
Lost Soul Courier delivers Narcan to various distribution sites, community organizations, and mutual aid organizations all through our fleet of cargo bikes. These bikes can hold anywhere from 50 to 300 lbs, and up to 720 boxes of nasal Narcan. All of our Narcan is provided by The DOPE Project (Drug Overdose Prevention and Education) a non profit organization in SF dedicated to ending overdose.
Our vision is a world where everyone has access to a bike, regardless of race, gender, and socioeconomic background. We partner with local non profits and community groups to bring bikes to youth and low income families in the Tenderloin and Excelsior districts. Our community partners work to refurbish and distribute the bicycles, and organize group rides and learning exercises in their neighborhoods. To volunteer, donate a bike, or get involved, reach out via our contact form.
Bicycles For Everyone